Crafts Articles

Quilting - Expensive?

by Catherine Pulsifer

I took a course a few years ago on machine quilting. My first quilt was very expensive to do by the time I purchased the material, the batting, and the backing, it ended up costing well over $100.

While I really enjoyed quilting, I thought there must be a less expensive way. Well, I have found ways to make them much cheaper.

My list on less expensive ways to make quilts:

1. I obtain curtain samples that companies are no longer using. I cut them into blocks and they work great! I can usually get the samples for $1.00.

2. Second hand stores often have material that you can buy for less than $2.00. I cut it up into blocks, which gives me a wide assortment of colours and textures to choose from.

3. Old clothes that no longer fit or that are worn in the knees or elbows. Cut out the seams, and cut the material into blocks or strips; it works great!!

4. You can bid on ebay auctions for material that is already cut into blocks. You can get some good buys!

5. For the backing I use fleece throws. You can usually obtain these from Wal-Mart or the Dollar Store for under $10.00. I fit my blocks to cover the fleece throw, and then machine quilt the two together.

So now rather than spending $100. for the materials, I rarely spend over $15.00, and I end up with some beautiful quilts!

Starter Tips for Machine Quilting

- start on a simple pattern, blocks 6 x 6. Do not try and attempt complicated patterns for your first quilts, it will only frustrate you. Start simple, and then let your creativity soar!

- do not go out and buy an expensive machine. We use a very simple, inexpensive machine to quilt with, you really do not need all the fancy gadgets

- when machine quilting, always use 100% cotton thread. Most stores have thread identified as "machine quilting thread"

To quote Dr. Suess, "Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!"

Happy Quilting!

Catherine Pulsifer is one of the editors of Stress Relief by a Simple Life where you will find stories, thoughts, poems and inspirational quotes on simplicity, frugal living, free craft projects, stress and more.

