Free Craft Project
Crochet Teddy Bear
If you like teddy bears, then you've love this crochet teddy bear craft project. It takes a little time to create it from start to finish but it's definitely worth the time and effort. A real cuty!
- 4 oz. light brown yarn
- 1/4 oz. dark brown yarn
- size "G" crochet hook
- scraps of white and black felt for eyes and mouth
- 1-1/2 to 2 feet of ribbon
- stuffing
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Back of Head
Starting at center, ch 2.
Round 1: work 6 sc in 2nd chain from hook. Do not join rounds but mark beginning of each round.
Round 2: work 2 sc in each sc around (12 sc).
Round 3 thru 8: sc in each sc around increasing 6 sc evenly spaced (48 sc).
Sc in each sc around for 2 rounds. Join and fasten off.
Front of Head
Same as back of head.
Work as for back of head through 5th round (30 sc). Join and fasten off. Repeat for second ear.
Work as for back of head through 5th round (30 sc). Work one round even. Join and fasten off.
Using dark brown yarn, work as for back of head thru first round. Sc in each sc for 1 round. Join and fasten off.
Back of Body
Chain 6.
Round 1: Work 3 sc in 2nd chain from hook, sc in each of next 3 ch, work sc in last ch; working along opposite side of chain, sc in each of next 3 ch (12 sc).
Do not join rounds bu mark beginning of each round.
Round 2: * work 2 sc in each of next 3 sc, sc in each of next sc, repeat from * once more (18 sc).
Round 3: * work 2 sc in next sc, sc in each of next 2 sc, repeat from * around (24 sc).
Round 4: * work 2 sc in next sc, sc in each of next 3 sc, repeat from * around (30 sc).
Round 5 thru 10: sc in each sc around, increasing 6 stitches on each round evenly spaced (66 stitches).
Work even for 2 rounds. Join and fasten off.
Front of Body
Same as back of body.
Legs and Arms
For each leg and arm:
Start with dark brown yarn. After 3 rounds, switch to light brown.
Chain 6.
Round 1: work sc in 2nd chain from hook, sc in each of next 3 ch, work 3 sc in last chain; working along opposite side of chain, sc in next 3 ch (12 sc).
Do not join rounds but mark beginning of each round.
Round 2: * work 2 sc in each of next 3 sc, sc in each of next 3 sc, repeat from * once more (18 sc).
Round 3: sc in back loop only of each sc around (18 sc).
Working in both loops of each sc work even in sc for 2-1/2 inches. Join and fasten off.
With wrong sides together and working through 1 loop only of corresponding stitches, slip stitch the head sections together leaving a 1 inch opening at the neck.
Repeat with body sections.
Sew nose to snout. Sew snout to head, stuffing snout with fiber fill as you sew.
Stuff head and body and then join at the neck.
Stuff arms and legs and sew to body.
For the eyes, cut circles of felt: 2 black 3/8", 2 white 3/4". Glue or sew in place.
For the mouth, cut a thin curved piece of black felt and glue or sew below the snout.