Free Craft Project
Quilled Christmas Candle

- Quilling tool
- Quilling board
- straight pins
- glue
Make the following scrolls.
- 1 loose yellow teardrop scroll using a 16" strip of paper (glue two 8" strips together)
Using 8" strips...
- 8 loose green scrolls
- 2 orange S-scrolls
- 1 loose orange triangle (teardrop with flat bottom)
- 1 tight yellow scroll
- 7 or 8 fairly tight red teardrop scrolls
Referring to the picture to help you assemble, glue and pin all 8 green loose scrolls together, 2 across by 4 down.
Glue and pin the 16" loose yellow teardrop to the top as a flame.
Glue and pin the orange S scrolls, one on each side of the bottom of the candle (see picture for correct angle).
Glue the orange triangle at the bottom middle of the green (in between bottom of orange S scrolls). Allow to dry.
Separately on the quilling board, glue the red eyes around the tight yellow scroll to create the flower.
When both the flower and candle are dry, glue the flower on the candle.